
How to: Install, Run and Remove CCleaner Silently - Script in K1000


A K1000 script that will SILENTLY install CCleaner, kill IE and FireFox, run in auto mode and uninstall. This is for 64 bit only.


CCleaner Slim

https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/builds - download “CCleaner - Slim”


Let’s Begin

  1. Download CCleaner Slim from prerequisites section.

    1. You will need to upload this file to the K1000 when creating the script.

  2. Install CCleaner Slim on a test computer.

  3. Open CCleaner

  4. Under Cleaner customize what you want to clean by unchecking items. Use at your discretion/needs.

    1. We uncheck recently typed urls for IE, empty recycle bin, clipboard and memory dumps.

  5. Close CCleaner

  6. Open command prompt and type in the following:

    1. cd \

    2. cd program files\ccleaner

    3. ccleaner.exe /EXPORT

  7. Open folder and navigate to the local drive\Program Files\CCleaner

  8. You will need the 3 files named winapp, winreg, and winsys to upload to the K1000 when creating the script.

    1. Copy to flash drive or by any means etc...

Create the Script

  1. Login to your K1000.

  2. Click Scripting

  3. Click Choose Action – New.

  4. Name – CCleaner Install Run Remove.

  5. Click Enabled

  6. Select your 64 bit Operating System.

  7. Click Logged-in user radio button.

  8. Add Dependencies

    1. winapp.ini

    2. winreg.ini

    3. winsys.ini

    4. ccsetup525_slim.exe (name will change when piriform updates it).

  9. Click New Task

  10. Task 1

    1. On Success click add…

      1. Select run a batch file

      2. Name: Install CCleaner

      3. Enter in the following for the batch file (take note if exe name changes):

        START /WAIT ccsetup525_slim.exe /S


        copy /Y winapp.ini "C:\Program Files\CCleaner"

        copy /Y winreg.ini "C:\Program Files\CCleaner"

        copy /Y winsys.ini "C:\Program Files\CCleaner"

      4. Check wait for completion

      5. Click save changes

    2. Click add…

      1. Select kill a process

      2. Name: iexplore.exe

      3. Click save changes

    3. Click add…

      1. Select kill a process

      2. Name: firefox.exe

      3. Click save changes

  11. Click New Task

  12. Task 2

    1. On Success click add…

      1. Select Launch a program

      2. Directory: “C:\Program Files\CCleaner”

      3. File: ccleaner64.exe

      4. Check wait for completion

      5. Parameters: /AUTO

      6. Click save changes

  13. Click New Task

  14. Task 3

    1. On Success click add…

      1. Select Run a batch file

      2. Name: Uninstall CCleaner

      3. Enter in the following for the batch file:

        timeout /t 120 /nobreak

        "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\uninst" /S

      4. Check wait for completion

      5. Click save changes

  15. Click Save at the very bottom


Test the Script

  1. Navigate back to the script just created.

  2. Under devices: select 1 computer to test to make sure everything works.

    1. Visit a few webpages, leave IE open.

  3. Click Run Now

  4. Observe the test computer.


Piriform Command Line Parameters


Ocean County College Team


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