
Common Service Desk Ticket Templates?

First off, I am new to the KACE system entirely. Our department is going to be taking over the service desk role for the corporation, and as they use the KACE K1000, they want us to use the integrated Service Desk. I've only experience with ServiceNow and ConnectWise, so I know what I'd like to see but can't seem to make it happen.

Is there any capability to create auto-populated templates for common tasks? I've seen some discussion about using Processes, but I can't seem to grasp how a multi-ticket process will work for something that only needs one ticket. And while we're on v6.3.xxxx, on slideshare (http://www.slideshare.net/DellSoftware/dwuf15-improving-enduser-support-with-the-k1000-service-desk?next_slideshow=1) it seems to suggest v6.4 has templates. Is it just a renaming of the old Processes page that I see on the older version? 

For example, they list Password Reset as a template, but the description of the template process suggests it is creating multiple tickets as a workflow. I don't understand why a password reset would need multiple tickets. They request a reset, we quickly auto-populate the ticket with common fields, and then reset the password and close the ticket. Am I missing something? Is there an easy way to accomplish this so that the common and trivial service desk calls can be quickly filled in without requiring multiple steps? 

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Answers (1)

Posted by: StockTrader 8 years ago
Red Belt

a Process in K1000 is a task that creates many tickets, even in multiple queues if required, and has the ability to create them in stages as well (e.g.: it creates ticket A, B and C then when all of them are closed creates tickets D and E and so on)
A typical user case for a process is when you need to hire someone and you have the HR queue, the Security queue and the Hardware queue.

Stage 1: 
  • Create ticket Request proof of ID, Request social sec number in HR queue
  • Create ticket Issue badge, create credentials in Security queue
  • Create ticket: assign a PC in Hardware queue
Stage 2:
  • Create ticket: set standing order to HR queue
  • Create ticket: provision the machine in the Hardware queue

What you are looking for, if I understood well, are more queues layout examples.
Normally during the training (JumpStart training) if the Service Desk module was requested as Excellence Pack the trainer can share with you some pre-made queue examples.
If the training was already deployed you can always ask a supplement of training through your vendor or directly to Dell if needed.
You may even search on ITNinja if someone made available an export of some queues examples (but be aware that these exports are version dependent most of the times)

Kind regards,
 Marco  - StockTrader

  • Thanks for the info.
    However, no, I'm not quite looking for queue layout examples. Let me try to explain with an example:

    Sally calls in needing to have reconfigured an in-house application we use. Normally, we would need to fill in issue description, comment, priority level, impact, ticket status, etc etc.

    This is a call we get rather often, so it would be great if there was a quick-fill template. Ideally, if we started a ticket with the template for "application1 configuration", it would auto-populate the fields that are common. No need for writing the same thing over and over and re-selecting the same items from drop-down boxes.

    At a previous place I worked, we had ServiceNow. We would take a call, take down the caller's information, and if we identified it as a common issue, we'd select from a host of templates that auto-populated numerous fields. - destrekor 8 years ago
    • I see. this is not possible at the interface level with Kace service desk currently.
      What you can do is to define a custom ticket rule to fill some 'obvious' field.
      A rule like: If the title contains Skype and the category is 'configuration' then set the field A to and the field B to etc etc.
      Something like that can be achieved.
      Kind regards,
      Marco - StockTrader - StockTrader 8 years ago

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