
Disable UAC in Windows 7 and Classis Logon?

Hi All, I am very new to the world of batch scripts, well and scripts in general.
I was wondering if there was a script written(I have googled it to death with no luck)To turn off the UAC in windows 7? I was trying to add it as a post install task on my kbox 2000 system to send out to my new machines.
Also along with this is there a way with a script to turn off the Welcome Logon screen on windows 7? We are on a domain and I would like the old classic logon script like windows XP Pro with just the username and password prompt.
(Script Writer wannaBe)

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Ram 14 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
Hi mate,

I guess it is better to set this up by Group Policy rather than turning it off via script.

Posted by: Lucid 14 years ago
Purple Belt
If you'd rather not use GPOs, I think you can turn off UAC if you're deploying your image with an unattend.xml file. So you'll want to add something like this:

<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<Path>CMD /c REG.exe add &quot;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System&quot; /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f</Path>

And if you want the older look and feel to the logon screen, then you're most likely going to have to hunt for a script that changes the settings in the registry...
Posted by: squeakstar 14 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
erm, why the hell would you turn off UAC?? I find people only turn this off coz they don't understand it properly; sometimes on vista the odd old app was too dumb to install properly because of it but when i've experienced that i've turned it back on again after disabling for a one off process - and this was like when vista first came out.

both of your other requirements are available through group policy anyway. here's a link to available policies in an easy to use reference thingy from microsoft. Group Policy Search this gives you the actual registry settings too if you really need to script stuff.
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