
How to disable self repair

Is there a way to disable self repairing from occuring? I know you can remove all file keys path but wanted to know if there is a simplier way of doing it (ie. maybe throught the command line? )


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Answers (4)

Posted by: turbokitty 17 years ago
6th Degree Black Belt
You could convert the advertised shortcut into a regular shortcut and remove any other entry points (such as file associations).
Posted by: WiseUser 17 years ago
Fourth Degree Brown Belt
The DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS property can be used to disable advertised shortcuts, but it won't disable other advertised entry points.

However, you could also move all advertised components to a position in the feature tree where they're unlikely to trigger a repair (ie: their own separate feature at the top of the tree).
Posted by: chris.penney 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
How To Disable Windows Installer Resiliency - http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;303439
This is not recommended, but by disabling the Windows Installer service, auto-repair will also be disabled.
Posted by: chris.penney 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
How do I turn off repair for a file that users are expected to modify or delete?

Packaging tools normally create advertised shortcuts so that, upon launch, the program verifies that all of its files exist. To change this behavior so that it does not repair the file, select the files and change the Condition property to NOT REINSTALL so that the file will not get reinstalled on a repair. Set its Transitive property to TRUE so that the condition is re-evaluated. This will cause the installer to appear briefly on the screen the first time after the file is deleted, while it verifies that the file should not be reinstalled, but you will not see the installer after that.
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