
I need to create a custom rule that doesn't allow to save the ticket if the field "Impact" is equal "N/A".

I came up with Query:

   ((  HD_IMPACT.NAME = 'N/A') and HD_TICKET.HD_QUEUE_ID = 6 )

But I am not sure in the Update query to not allow to save the ticket and warn that the field "Impact" is required. Is there a way to do from a custom rule or the only way is through custom field?

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Rules only work with someone tries to hit the save button and the reacts to the values in the ticket. It will have to be a custom rule as the Impact field always have a value so it meets the "required" statue out of the box. What you can try is

    1. Create a option for Impact called "Please selected Impact"
    2. Make that the default value for all tickets
    3. Using the wizard create a rule
    a. Impact Begins with Please
    b. Status does not contain Closed
    c. Next button
    d. Status change value to Select Impact
    a. You will have to create this value in the status area for the configuration.

    This basically will let them save the ticket but give them a statue that says Select Impact.

    There maybe others out that with some better ideas but that is off the top of my head. - nshah 9 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: Chris.Burgess 9 years ago
Orange Belt
Under Support Desk -> Configuration -> Queues -> queueName  
Click right under Queue Detail where it says "Customize Fields and Layout"

First scroll down to the section called IMPACT VALUES and make sure they only have the ones you want.  Then scroll down to the section called TICKET LAYOUT.  Change the permissions on the IMPACT field to be  ALWAYS REQUIRED

Posted by: fsalles 9 years ago
Senior White Belt
HI Chris, Thank you for taking the time to write an answer but I have tried that before and the result is not what I expected.
I want to not allow the person to save the ticket if "impact" is not defined but what it does in the actual ticket it shows in red as required (as pic below)

But whatever you leave in that field it allows you to save the ticket. It won;t stop and warn you that you have to select one option.
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