
IT Request Creation via email


I have a PowerShell script that will create requests for me and works fine.

Sample lines in the script is


This is used as part of a PowerShell form used to quickly create and resolve tickets for our helpdesk staff.

You will notice that some of the fields are fed data within variables like the resolution.  On the form the resolution field is a multi-line text box so the variable contains carriage returns.
What happens is the first line of the resolution is placed in the Resolution field and the remaining data becomes part of the summary.

I am using the MAPI mail client Outlook and not the SMTP method PowerShell has.

Does anyone know a way around this issue?

Much appreciated


1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I have found a workaround. In the variable $TmpResolution I replace the carriage returns with a space. This effectively puts the data on one line. The command is $TmpResolution = $TmpResolution.replace("`r`n"," ").
    I would still like to know if it can be done leaving the carriage returns as written by the technician. - Wayne_A 4 years ago

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