
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Microsoft Office Outlook 5.0.9690.2740

Insall - success

Uninstall - Success

Re-install - its upgrading to 5.0.9690.2903 instead of 5.0.9690.2740, How to disable auto upgrade ?

Commands used for installation

SetupClient.exe" /q /p /norestart

KB2710577v2ENUi386\CrmUpdateWrapper.exe /q /norestart

Commands used for Uninstallation

KB2710577v2ENUi386\CrmUpdateWrapper.exe" /q /uninstall /norestart

SetupClient.exe" /x /q /norestart

Uninstalling other S/w with prodcut codes like

Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 ENU

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 x64 ENU (Only for X64)

Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant

*Please respond asap, thanks a lot for all your help in advance

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Answers (1)

Posted by: rileyz 10 years ago
Red Belt

Is the KB2710577v2ENUi386\CrmUpdateWrapper.exe upgrading it to the version you dont want?

Might be worth unpacking the KB2710577v2ENUi386\CrmUpdateWrapper.exe and seeing whats inside it, you might find a couple of updates inside of it? 

Ps, you havent given us much to go on, lol.

  • only during re-install im seeing the issue, first install it works perfectly fine and install's 5.0.9690.2740. during re-install even if i execute only SetupClient.exe /q /p /norestart it upgrades to wrong version i.e 5.0.9690.2903 - skj 10 years ago
  • There must be a KB its installing, maybe stashed inside the exe?
    When I packaged CRM I made a admin install and deployed it that way.

    Have you thought about unpacking the exe and breaking it down to its MSI's? - rileyz 10 years ago
  • The observation that was made was Windows update setting -> Microsoft Update check box is enabled during re-installation & not sure how to fix the issue - skj 10 years ago
  • Hiya.
    Install it on a clean machine and get the logs.
    Uninstall, and reinstall it again with logs (where windows update is checked).

    Compare the two logs and find the property that enables the updating. Once you know the property you can pass it to the MSI via cmd line or transform. - rileyz 10 years ago
  • Installed on a machine with dependency installed, compared the logs of install & re-install. but didnt found anything that is taking me to any conclusion. - skj 10 years ago
  • Is it self updating after install? From the internet?
    Is there a setting somewhere in the software you can change? - rileyz 10 years ago
  • it needs internet for installation of the package @the moment, but i'm looking at following link.. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/crminthefield/archive/2011/11/07/how-to-install-microsoft-dynamics-crm-2011-without-an-internet-connection.aspx

    Whats the function of ALLOWRUN property? - skj 10 years ago
  • I'm having the same probleme here. It appears that v2903 is rollup 14 and CRM setup auto downloads updates for the client during installation. This gives serious problems for some components as our server is not running the same version as the clients!

    As I haven't found any way to turn off the auto updating during setup, the only way to make the setup fail the update process is to block its access to the internet using a false proxy. Here is a snippet of the script I use to do this, containing the necessary commands:

    strLogfile.WriteLine("*** Set false proxy to prevent auto-updating during setup - " & now)
    strRunCmd1 = "reg add ""HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"" /v ProxyEnable /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f"
    strLogfile.WriteLine(" * Commando = " & strRunCmd1)
    ProxyEnableError = WshShell.Run(strRunCmd1, 1, True)
    strLogfile.WriteLine(" * Errorcode = " & ProxyEnableError)
    strRunCmd2 = "reg add ""HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"" /v ProxyServer /t REG_SZ /d FalseProxy:1234 /f"
    strLogfile.WriteLine(" * Commando = " & strRunCmd2)
    ProxyServerError = WshShell.Run(strRunCmd2, 1, True)
    strLogfile.WriteLine(" * Errorcode = " & ProxyServerError)
    strRunCmd3 = "reg add ""HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"" /v AutoConfigURL /t REG_SZ /d """" /f"
    strLogfile.WriteLine(" * Commando = " & strRunCmd3)
    ProxyAutoConfigError = WshShell.Run(strRunCmd3, 1, True)
    strLogfile.WriteLine(" * Errorcode = " & ProxyAutoConfigError)

    strLogfile.WriteLine("*** Install CRM 2011 - "&now)

    strRunCmd = chr(34) & strInstallPath & "\Client\i386\SetupClient.exe" &chr(34) & " /Q /L C:\windows\temp\crm2011_setup.log"
    strLogfile.WriteLine(" * Command = "&strRunCmd)
    strErcode = WshShell.Run(strRunCmd, 1, True)
    strLogfile.WriteLine(" * Errorcode = "&strErcode)

    It looks like the CRM Server 2011 does feature the possibility to disable the updates with an XML file, but when trying this with the client it's not supported... http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh367371.aspx

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! - Ulukai5 10 years ago
  • Have you guys tried a administrative install?
    msiexec /a etc

    This means you can unpack the MSI, then apply the KB's and hotfixes to the install. Now you can apply the correct install in one go. - rileyz 10 years ago
  • Hi rileyz,

    In our company we have patched the CRM install files already to rollup 8 and this is the version we want to use. The problem is that you HAVE TO use the setup.exe to do the installation, and this setup is checking every time for new rollups during installation. The is no option in the GUI or in command line to disable this.

    Being a large company, it is crucial that we control the version our clients are using and that we have the same version on all computers. Some functions we use don't work with rollup 14, so it is very important to disable the setup from going online during installation.

    I would still like to hear if there is a way to prevent the setup from doing so, I'd rather do it like that than making firewall rules to prevent updates from happening... - Ulukai5 10 years ago
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