
Prevent K1000 from sending emails to an address list

We have a lot of services that send logs.  I would like all daily reports from AV, Backup, and Event Monitoring systems to send the report to the helpdesk so we have a record that these items have been reviewed.  I do not want the K1000 to send back emails to the services email addresses because most of them do not exist or are from an outside provider.  It will just create a mail loop.

I saw in Version 8 that there is an option to add email addresses to ignore, but I do not want to prevent the addresses from creating a ticket.  I just do not want the sending address to get the emails on the activities.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 6 years ago
Red Belt
I can think of a couple of options. 

Separate Queue - Create a separate queue for these types of reports/logs and configure the queue without any notifications to the submitter.

Rules - Create a rule that if the sender is one of the indicated email addresses, change the submitter to a fake user that doesn't have an email address. Make sure this rule runs before any other notification rules.

Personally, I would probably setup a separate queue.

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