
Roxio 10 silent install

Does anyone know how I can create a package for an unintended/silent install for Roxio 10
If i go to the run command and search for the setup file and put /? at the end, it comes up select your installation language.
Also is there a service pack 1 for Roxio 10

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Answers (8)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
All the Roxio products (you don't say which one you're wrestling with) which I've encountered are supplied as MSIs already. Yours may be wrapped in an EXE stub. Run it until you see the first screen and then search the %TEMP% folder or a new folder beneath %AppData% which contains an MSI.
Posted by: mekaywe 14 years ago
Brown Belt

Roxio applications installs many MSI's so you can wrap all the the MSI's according to your requirement
Posted by: sford517 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I ran setup and at the first screen went to %TEMP% folder and also %AppData% folder. I didn't see either folder.
I opened the Roxio folder and did a search for *.msi. I found nothing.
Posted by: akhlaque 14 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Did you try /q?
"/q REBOOT=ReallySuppress" worked for me
Posted by: RPM666 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
I had created a package for Roxio Creator 10.3 to install silently.

Using the following the program installs with no user intervention

setup.exe /qn RX_EULA_ACCEPTED=1

You can suppress the reboot if you'd like by adding the above "REBOOT=ReallySuppress" but I did not.

Once the program is installed there are a few registry keys that are written on the programs initial opening. These keys are written under HKCU and are for the product registration. To disable this, per user, write a reg file to run after the install.

Mine looked something like this:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sonic\Registration\Roxio Central Core 3.0]

And it ran after the initial installation with the basic command:

"regedit.exe /s NoRegRoxio.reg"

This will only disable the product registration for the current user, to have it for every user I believe you'll have to look into a VBS to apply the registry values to any and all "Current users". I found some information on it here:

VBS Set All Reg users
Posted by: anonymous_9363 14 years ago
Red Belt
I believe you'll have to look into a VBSNot necessarily. A user feature set up as a parent of a feature which contains an advertised entry-point will trigger self-healing. Seek out John McFadyen's Windows Live blog on self-healing for details.
Posted by: jsamick@midsouth.ualr.edu 7 years ago
White Belt
you can create a reg file like this if your using the same version, to find out export a folder from the registry and right click>edit click run for UAC. it will be your first line, it needed to be included for mine to work.

new txt file > 
paste :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sonic\Registration\Roxio Central Core 3.0]

Save as something.reg
then issue a cmd line: regedit.exe /s "\\path\something.reg"

I use PDQ to remotely install using parameters : /qn RX_EULA_ACCEPTED=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
then the next step is a remote command line with the above and done.

Posted by: 31mike 12 years ago
Yellow Belt
This is what I did to run a silent install and disable registration for new users. The key for disabling the registration prompt was to add a key in the default user hive

REM Run Roxio Install Script
"%~dp0setup.exe" /qn ADDLOCAL=All RX_EULA_ACCEPTED=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress

REM Load Default user Hive
REG LOAD HKU\DefaultUser "c:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT"

REM Add registry key
REG ADD "HKU\DefaultUser\Software\Sonic\Registration\Roxio Central Core 3.0" /V ShowRegistration /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f
REg UNLOAD HKU\DefaultUser

  • Mike, I'm trying to install Roxio as a post installation task and using your script but it doesn't seem to be working. Are you running that entire script as a batch/cmd file and just calling it the command line for an application install? - manuelt 11 years ago
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