
Using location records


under asset management you can define locations (asset type). This information is then used in a "location" field in other assets (where it provides a selection list based on the location records)

There is no field definition when you create a new asset type. I would also like to use this location field in incident schemas (obviously the Asset field can look up the asset table so I want to add the location field that would do the same)

Regards Tony

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • In addition there are some fields on the incident queue schemas which are not in the field list (e.g. Knowledge Base field - this field is right at the top and confuses a lot of users. I would like to hide it. - kiwiblue 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 6 years ago
Red Belt
If you aren't using the Asset field in the service desk for another purpose, then you can label it as location and select locations from the list. That will show all assets, however, not just locations. You can create a custom field that will only show locations, but it won't create a linkage between the ticket and the asset.

Changing these settings (including the KB field) is done in the queue configuration:
Service Desk, Configuration, Queues, select the appropriate queue, Customize Fields and layout

On that screen you can adjust the permissions on each field and manipulate the custom fields.

  • Thanks. I am using the Asset field for Asset information. I have created a custom field for location but I would like to use the one that is in the asset record (as its functionality is perfect). We have 350+ locations so it would great to use the location records. - kiwiblue 6 years ago
    • In that case, you can use a query for a single select custom field. In the select values textbox for the custom field enter the following:

      This will populate the dropdown with the list of location assets in the asset module. - chucksteel 6 years ago
      • Thanks. You are correct. I didn't realise at the time that Locations and cost centres are stored as assets. The code works perfectly. Thanks for that. I will adjust for the cost centre field. - kiwiblue 6 years ago

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