
Where does the Junos Pulse PRECONFIG file go before pushing with K1000?

I have the junos installation file.. and I have the custom configuration file. Both are saved locally on my Windows 7 test machine in C:\temp.

I am able to run this command locally on my test computer in a command prompt using the following command and it works:
(junos pulse gets installed with related configuration information)
     C:\>msiexec /i c:\temp\pulse5.1.1_win64.msi CONFIGFILE=c:\temp\new.jnprpreconfig /qb

So test works... now onto Dell KACE...

I created a software distribution package called Pulse Test. 
In the software field below I pointed it to a software inventory item called Pulse Windows 64-bit 5.1.1 where I have associated the MSI installation file with it.
I selected the default override installation radio button and pasted the path in it below. (I made sure to exclude the "c:\temp" locations).
     msiexec /i pulse5.1.1_win64.msi CONFIGFILE=new.jnprpreconfig /qb

When I force inventory on my machine, nothing happens. I believe it is because I have not called out a location to the CONFIGFILE. I believe this because when I remove the CONFIGFILE command it installs without any configuration. I want to make sure it gets installed with the configuration. If I place the config file in a file share and call the path out in the command (CONFIGFILE=\\fileshare\new.jnprpreconfig) the root KACE account isn't going to have access to it. So where can I put the config file where K1000 will be able to include it in the push?

Am I missing something? is there a place to save the associated config file where KACE can call upon it during the push? 

Thanks for your time!

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Hey, did you ever find a solution for this? I'm having the same problem. Thanks - samueld4 8 years ago

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