
HOW TO: Create a Pivot Table For HelpDesk Satisfaction Survey

Here's som old SQL that makes a nice little table for the sat survery in the K1.

My idea was that this could be pasted into excel really easy so you could create charts, etc...


       Max(IF(SATISFACTION_RATING = 2, COUNT, 0)) AS 'Below Average', 
       Max(IF(SATISFACTION_RATING = 3, COUNT, 0)) AS 'Average', 
       Max(IF(SATISFACTION_RATING = 4, COUNT, 0)) AS 'Good', 
       Max(IF(SATISFACTION_RATING = 5, COUNT, 0)) AS 'Excellent', 
       Max(IF(SATISFACTION_RATING = 0, COUNT, 0)) AS 'Not Rated' 
               COUNT(*) AS COUNT 
        FROM   HD_TICKET T 
               LEFT JOIN USER U 
                 ON T.OWNER_ID = U.ID 
                  T.SATISFACTION_RATING) RAW 

I hope this helps.


  • Thank you for the code, works like a charm - sdnbtech1 12 years ago
  • Good stuff. - rbarth 12 years ago
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