
accessin Summary Table

Hi All,

I'm writing a CUB file checking Title and Subject in Summary table as per my company standards. But I'm unable to get the SQL queried record set.

I'm using the following code :

Set View = Database.OpenView("SELECT * FROM `Summary`")
Records = View.Fetch

After the 2nd line my function exists without error. Is Summary table not accessible for such queries. Someone told me to use MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty function. I'm not sure how to use it. Please advise

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Answers (3)

Posted by: spartacus 16 years ago
Black Belt
The sample script WISumInf.vbs from the Microsoft Platform SDK could give you some clues as to how to access / modify the Summary Information stream. However, as you mention that you are developing a CUB file, I would imagine the VB Script for this particular ICE would look something like

'Checks the Summary table for the appropriate Title and Subject
Function SumInf()
On Error Resume Next
Set recInfo = Installer.CreateRecord(1)
If Err <> 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Set sInfo = Session.Database.SummaryInformation
sTitle = sInfo.Property(2)
sSubject = sInfo.Property(3)
'Enter your code to check the Title and Subject against defined standards below
Exit Function
End Function


Posted by: upkaar 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Thanks Spartacus. I'll try this...
Posted by: upkaar 16 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi Spartacus,

This works so wonderfully... Thank you so much! :)

Also, came to know Summary table does not exists... It's in GUI.

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