
Adding a field to ticket creation notification email

We created the ticket notification email so whenever a ticket is created all the IT staff gets an email.  We also added a custom field to the tickets that is hidden from the users called "Affected User".  This way when we get a call or email and create a ticket we can specify who the user is that need assistance.  We would also like to include this field on the notify email.  It is listed as CUSTOM_2 under the ticket layout but when I include "Affected User: $custom_2" in the email body of the notify rule it doesn't populate on the email, it shows exactly that "Affected User: $custom_2".  Any ideas?  Thanks!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: jverbosk 11 years ago
Red Belt

The SQL code will use a number lower than in the GUI, so CUSTOM2 in the GUI would be HD_TICKET.CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE1 in the SQL code.  You'll need to include HD_TICKET.CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE1 in the SQL Select statement's SELECT section, something like this:

SELECT .... (all of your other SELECT items)... HD_TICKET.CUSTOM_FIELD VALUE1 as AFFECTED_USER .... (other SELECT items) FROM etc

Just be aware that HD_TICKET might be getting aliased as T (look for something like HD_TICKET T), in which case you would use T.CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE1.

From there, use $AFFECTED_USER in the email, and the email should return the value.

For some examples of this, check out the Email Alert ticket rules in these posts:



Hope that helps!



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