
Host File edditing


Is there a way using script to eddit host file? What I need to do is change:

#       localhost

to       localhost (without hash)

Is it possible, i just find for now script which is changing everything, but that is not what I need. Please help or give some advice.

Thank you!

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Answers (7)

Answer Summary:
See dandirk's answer
Posted by: lanselots 11 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

What about this, how can I change hard coded entries becasue if it stays like that it workes:

On Error Resume Next

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Sets variables
SearchTerm="#       localhost"
NewText="       localhost"

'Opens text file in read mode (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 1)

'Adds all text in text file to "FileContent" string
FileContent = objFile.ReadAll

'Instr searches "FileContent" looking for "SearchTerm", if not found returns 0
if Instr(FileContent,SearchTerm) = 0 then
   'Not found code
   'Opens text file in append mode so you can add text (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
   Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 8)
   'Writes new line to text fle vbCrLf inserts a return(s) to ensure new line
   objFile.WriteLine (vbCrLf & NewText & vbCrLf)

   'Found search term
   ReplaceOldLine = Replace(FileContent, "#       localhost", NewText)
   'Opens text file in write mode to replace old line (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
   Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 2)
   're-writes whole content of file with replaced values (if needed)
   objFile.WriteLine ReplaceOldLine

end If


Posted by: dandirk 11 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt

Here is a VBS that worked for me when I had to either add or replace an entry.  Later (second script) I created a slightly better script that finds and deletes whole lines instead of having to match specific line of text exactly.  You could modify this script to find the line and replace as well.  Both should work.

 On Error Resume Next

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Sets variables
SearchTerm="TEXT to find in file"
NewText="New TEXT you want to add/replace"

'Opens text file in read mode (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 1)

'Adds all text in text file to "FileContent" string
FileContent = objFile.ReadAll

'Instr searches "FileContent" looking for "SearchTerm", if not found returns 0
if Instr(FileContent,SearchTerm) = 0 then
   'Not found code
   'Opens text file in append mode so you can add text (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
   Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 8)
   'Writes new line to text fle vbCrLf inserts a return(s) to ensure new line
   objFile.WriteLine (vbCrLf & NewText & vbCrLf)

   'Found search term
   ReplaceOldLine = Replace(FileContent, "LINE/Text to replace", NewText)
   'Opens text file in write mode to replace old line (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
   Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, 2)
   're-writes whole content of file with replaced values (if needed)
   objFile.WriteLine ReplaceOldLine

end If

 'This script finds text in a file and removes the WHOLE line if found.


'Set variables
strSearchTerm="TEXT to search"

'This section opens the file searches for the strSearchTerm, and shuts script down if not in doc.  If exists it continues to remove lines.  This is to avoid re-writting file when not needed,
'Opens text file in read mode (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTextFilePath, 1)

'Adds all text in text file to "FileContent" string
FileContent = objFile.ReadAll

'Instr searches "FileContent" looking for "SearchTerm", if not found returns 0 and closes script.
ifInstr(FileContent,strSearchTerm) = 0then

'Opens text file in read mode (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTextFilePath, 1)

'Loop through text file line by line, if NOT equal to strSearchTerm line is added to strNewContents (which is later written to text file).  Thus any line that matches strSearchTerm is omitted and not written (or removed).
DoUntil objFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = objFile.ReadLine
    IfInStr(strLine, strSearchTerm) = 0Then
        strNewContents = strNewContents & strLine & vbCrLf

'Opens text file in write mode (Read=1, Write=2, Append=8)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTextFilePath, 2)

'Writes content of strNewContents to file, which should be missing lines that contain the strSearchTerm.
objFile.Write strNewContents

  • But how can you replace hard coded entries in it, as I did but not working, working only if I leave as is but that is not acceptable. - lanselots 11 years ago
Posted by: lanselots 11 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

I belive that is not the best practice to do that, that is why I need just remove hash when installing and after uninstalling app put it back.

  • I would just append a new line at the end and do not worry about the one with the #

    echo localhost >> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

here is a find and replace script (case insensitive)

[cscript|wscript] replace.vbs Find Replacewith File

Find … Required. Substring being searched for.
Replacewith … Required. Replacement substring.
File … Source and destination file for the replacement


Dim FileName, Find, ReplaceWith, FileContents, dFileContents
Find         = WScript.Arguments(0)
ReplaceWith  = WScript.Arguments(1)
FileName     = WScript.Arguments(2)

'Read source text file FileContents = GetFile(FileName)

'replace all string In the source file dFileContents = replace(FileContents, Find, ReplaceWith, 1, -1, 1)

'Compare source And result if dFileContents <> FileContents Then
  'write result If different   WriteFile FileName, dFileContents

  Wscript.Echo "Replace done."
  If Len(ReplaceWith) <> Len(Find) Then 'Can we count n of replacements?     Wscript.Echo _
    ( (Len(dFileContents) - Len(FileContents)) / (Len(ReplaceWith)-Len(Find)) ) & _
    " replacements."
  End If
  Wscript.Echo "Searched string Not In the source file"
End If

'Read text file function GetFile(FileName)
  If FileName<>"" Then
    Dim FS, FileStream
    Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      on error resume Next
      Set FileStream = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName)
      GetFile = FileStream.ReadAll
  End If
End Function

'Write string As a text file. function WriteFile(FileName, Contents)
  Dim OutStream, FS

  on error resume Next
  Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set OutStream = FS.OpenTextFile(FileName, 2, True)
    OutStream.Write Contents
End Function


  • I thought you would need something like this so you can also change it back when done - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
    • SMal.tmcc,
      How do I write the line that calls the vbs using the arguments?

      I'm lost in over-thinking this.

      We're doing a failover test tomorrow (Sat. morning) and I want our testers to be able to swap the host entries out and store their existing hosts file content to be returned after the testing. Some hosts files may differ from others so I can't blanket plaster the same hosts data back to them all at the end.

      I'm a little confused with what the arguments should be. I can figure it out on my own, but I may not have time before tomorrow.

      I'm not sure what the "Replacewith" or the "Find" should be. I have 2 lines to add. Examples below. I don't understand how to put 2 lines of a host file into the command line as the Replacewith string.

      What am I finding?
      I have host files that are the basic default and some with one or two lines of existing entries that need to be written back to the hosts file after testing.

      wscript hostreplace.vbs [txt file with the changes??]

      Source host file is the default windows host file with one extra line say. The data to go into it is like below.
      These sample IP's and names are what I need in ou host files during testing. Svrgen1 Svrgen1-cifs BBia1tst1 BBia1tst1-cifs BBia19Atst1 Svrgen2 Svrgen2-cifs BBia2tst1 BBia2tst1-cifs BBia29Atst1

      After testing, I need to revert all the host files back to what each was prior to testing.

      Note: Yes, those are fake IP's and names. - murbot 10 years ago
      • I'm not sure how anyone else has done it, but the only way I'm able to edit the Win 7 hosts file is to grant my account full access to it. Even though I'm logged on as a domain admin in the local administrators group. It still wanted me to specifically grant FULL access on the hosts file to my admin account.

        I guess the scripts go out the window on this one. Too bad. Was hoping to save some time tomorrow. - murbot 10 years ago
Posted by: jagadeish 11 years ago
Red Belt

If you just want to add entries then you can use this script


On Error Resume Next

Dim IPAddress, HostName, Line


Line=IPAddress & "       "  & HostName

Call AddValues(Line)


Sub AddValues(Line)
    Dim varFile
    Dim varFileLines
    Dim WshShell
    Dim WinDir, objFSO, objFile, Flag
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.shell")

    WinDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%")
    sFileName = WinDir & "\system32\drivers\etc\Hosts"
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFileName,1)


    Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream

        varFileLines = objFile.ReadLine
            If Trim(varFileLines) <> Line Then
            If Trim(varFile) = "" Then
                varFile = Trim(varFileLines)
                varFile = varFile & vbCrLf & Trim(varFileLines)
            End If
        End If


    If Flag=0 then

        varFile = varFile & vbCrLf & Line
        Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(sFileName, True, False)
        objFile.WriteLine varFile

    End if
    Set objFile = Nothing
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    Set WshShell = Nothing

End Sub


Posted by: lanselots 11 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

Thank you "dandrink" your script was really helpfull and it worked like sharm :)

Posted by: lanselots 11 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt

Hi, How can I replace in dandrink script hard coded pass?

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