
How do you keep track of current software versions?

I am interested in being very responsive to updating software, and so I am trying to figure out the best way of being notified when a new version of some software comes out. So far my ideas have been to screen-scrape filehippo.com, google alerts, and to try to find a listserv or RSS for each piece of software, but I am wondering what you do to keep on top of this particular issue?

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: tshupp 12 years ago
3rd Degree Black Belt

A few resources I use or have used in the past:

FileHippo's update feed:

FileHippo's Twitter feed (same content):

Majorgeeks' update feed:

Mozilla's mailing lists:
https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo (announce covers Firefox and Thunderbird)

Mozilla Announce Google Group:

Adobe's Security Notification Service:

Oracle's Secuirty Alerts mailing list is available once you create an Oracle account. Once created, go to your profile, subscription center, and subscribe to Oracle Security Alerts. 

Google's Chrome release blog:
Email subscription available on the sidebar.


I'm also subscribed to Google's "What's Coming?" calendar. RSS and email also available:

Between all that and the patch email notiication from the KBOX, it covers a lot of the heavy targets for my organization.

  • beautiful! :D - muebel 12 years ago
Posted by: adilrathore 12 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

I use a vendor neutral site from VMWare:



This site list a detailed information of patches of almost all the vendors.

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