
Ideas on pushing Internet Explorer 11 using Kace

Looking for ideas and the best method to push Internet Explorer 11 using KACE with no user interaction.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Badger 8 years ago
Red Belt

your command should work, I have used this in the past.

"%~dp0IE11-Windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe" /quiet /update-no /norestart /log:%temp%


I doubt the order of the commands would matter. I am not sure about KACE, but I would put quotes in the command. I have had issues with the missing pre reqs, make sure they are installed (and a reboot completed) before trying to install IE11.

Posted by: FergieMan 8 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt

I created a distribution deployment job for IE11 , which will install with the following command

IE11-Windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe /quiet /norestart /update-no

The pcs that you need to run IE11 must be fully patched with all windows updates for this to work.

I ran this against a custom inventory rule to pick up IE11 in the software inventory with the following syntax

RegistryValueGreaterThan(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer, svcVersion,11.0) 

  • I tried the E11-Windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe /quiet command when pushing it as a managed installed and get command line option syntax error. Type command /? for help ... Ideas as to why that wouldnt work? - rchung 8 years ago
    • hello. I have the same problem when i try to execute this command.
      Then i tried to create a MSI package with IEAK11.
      This package isn't working on some PCs and works great on others. I thought it's because of fail of Microsoft updates on some PCs. but why does it work the 4th time I run the package and not the 3 firt tries without any Windows updates ? - frickers 8 years ago
Posted by: Pressanykey 8 years ago
Red Belt
I answered a similar question here...
The link supplied provided a complete way to  pre-install any required patches before the IE installation. Like I mentioned in my post, the patch list may need to be updated.

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