
Intellipoint 5.2

Hello world,

thanks to the explanation here I was able to install M$ Intellipoint 5.2 unattended. But is there a way to stop msi from rebooting after installation? I tried the /n option and I tried to create a transform. But /n doenst prevent from rebooting. The reboot question doesn´t seem to belong to the msi, because an mst is done before the reboot questions comes up. No entry is found in the msi also, so where do I have to look for.

Thanks in advance


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Answers (2)

Posted by: peska 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Try adding this Property value to your commandline: REBOOT=Reallysupress

msiexec /i YourMsiFile.msi REBOOT=Reallysupress /qb

Posted by: gmorgan618 17 years ago
Blue Belt
You can edit the MSI with ORCA instead of passing the parameter - in the Property Table add (change) the value of REBOOT to ReallySuppress ... In case you are using AD GPO where you can't pass parameters

The values of REBOOT are Force, Suppress, ReallySuppress -- Only the first letter is used to determine the action you would like to take --- so you really only need to input R for ReallySuppress but putting the full wording in makes it a little more reader friendly.
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