
VB Script Delete Profiles not working Windows 7

I have a VB Script that I am using Kbox to run and it will not work with Windows 7. I run it manually with XP and it works great. Windows 7 will not work.

Dim strProfileExclusionList
Dim strComputer, strLogFileName, strDocAndSettingsLocation
Dim strKeyPath, arrValueNames, arrValueTypes, arrSubKeys
Dim i, strHiveExclusionList, strHiveOpenSkipped, strHiveValue
Dim strSubKey, strGuid, strUserName, strProfileImagePath
Dim dwProfileExclusion, dwSIDExclusion, dwHiveOpenExclusion
Dim flgLogFile, flgWriteConsole, flgVerboseLog, flgAllowExecute, flgHelp
Dim dwArgCount, strNextArg, strCurrentArg, flgCustomExclusions, flgCustomExMatch
Dim strCustomExclusions, dateCurrentTime, flgCustomInclusions, strCustomInclusions
Dim flgCustomInMatch, flgExDateMatch, flgDateExclusion, dwDateExclusion

strComputer = "."
strProfileExclusionList = "|administrator|all users|default user|localservice|networkservice|public|ctx_smauser|ctx_cpuuser|ctx_cpsvcuser|ctx_streamingsvc|ctx_configmgr|autech"

Set objReg = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

strLogFileName = ""
dateCurrentTime = now()
dwArgCount = 0
flgHelp = False
flgLogFile = Flase
flgCustomExclusions = False
flgWriteConsole = False
flgVerboseLog = False
flgAllowExecute = True

dwArgCount = objArgs.Count
For i = 0 to dwArgCount - 1
strCurrentArg = lcase(objArgs(i))
Select Case strCurrentArg
Case "-v", "-verbose", "/v", "/verbose"
flgVerboseLog = True
Case "-c", "-console", "/c", "/console"
flgWriteConsole = True
Case "-r", "-readonly", "-read", "/r", "/readonly", "/read"
flgAllowExecute = False
flgWriteConsole = True
Case "-l", "-log", "/l", "/log"
If i < (dwArgCount - 1) then
strNextArg = lcase(objArgs(i + 1))
If (left(strNextArg, 1) <> "/") and (left(strNextArg, 1) <> "-") then
flgLogFile = True
strLogFileName = strNextArg
i = i + 1
wscript.echo "Warning: Log Switch Used but No Log Filename Specified."
End if
wscript.echo "Warning: Log Switch Used but No Log Filename Specified."
End if
Case "-e", "-exclude", "/e", "/exclude"
If i < (dwArgCount - 1) then
strNextArg = lcase(objArgs(i + 1))
If (left(strNextArg, 1) <> "/") and (left(strNextArg, 1) <> "-") then
flgCustomExclusions = True
strCustomExclusions = replace(strNextArg, ",", "|", 1)
i = i + 1
wscript.echo "Error: Exclude Switch Used but no Argument Specified."
flgHelp = True
End if
wscript.echo "Error: Exclude Switch Used but no Argument Specified."
flgHelp = True
End if
Case "-i", "-include", "/i", "/include"
If i < (dwArgCount - 1) then
strNextArg = lcase(objArgs(i + 1))
If (left(strNextArg, 1) <> "/") and (left(strNextArg, 1) <> "-") then
flgCustomInclusions = True
strCustomInclusions = replace(strNextArg, ",", "|", 1)
i = i + 1
wscript.echo "Error: Include Switch Used but no Argument Specified."
flgHelp = True
End if
wscript.echo "Error: Include Switch Used but no Argument Specified."
flgHelp = True
End if
Case "-d", "-days", "-day", "/d", "/days", "/day"
If i < (dwArgCount - 1) then
strNextArg = lcase(objArgs(i + 1))
If (left(strNextArg, 1) <> "/") and (left(strNextArg, 1) <> "-") then
dwDateExclusion = cdbl(strNextArg)
i = i + 1
If (dwDateExclusion > 0) and (dwDateExclusion < 999999) then
flgDateExclusion = True
flgHelp = True
wscript.echo "Error: Invalid Number of Days Specified."
End if
wscript.echo "Error: Day Switch Used but no Argument Specified."
flgHelp = True
End if
wscript.echo "Error: Day Switch Used but no Argument Specified."
flgHelp = True
End if
Case "-h", "-help", "/h", "/help", "-?", "/?"
flgHelp = True
Case Else
wscript.echo "Unrecognized option: " & objArgs(i)
flgHelp = True
End Select
If flgCustomExclusions and flgCustomInclusions then
wscript.echo "Error: Cannot Specify a Custom Exclusion List with a Custom Inclusion List."
flgHelp = True
End if

If flgHelp then
wscript.echo "Help"
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo "DeleteProfiles.vbs - v1.9"
wscript.echo "-------------------------"
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo "cscript.exe DeleteProfiles.vbs [/H] [/E | /I <PROFILENAME>] [/C] [/R]"
wscript.echo " [/D <DAYS>] [/L <FILENAME>] [/V]"
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo "Command Line Options:"
wscript.echo " /C : Write Log to the Console"
wscript.echo " /D <Days> : Delete Profiles Older than x Days"
wscript.echo " /E <Profile> : Exclude Profiles from Deletion"
wscript.echo " : Wildcard * Supported. Use ',' or '|' as a Delimiter for"
wscript.echo " : Multiple Entries. No Spaces Between Entries."
wscript.echo " /I <Profile> : Only Delete Included Profiles (Wildcard * Supported)"
wscript.echo " : Wildcard * Supported. Use ',' or '|' as a Delimiter for"
wscript.echo " : Multiple Entries. No Spaces Between Entries."
wscript.echo " /L <FileName> : Create Log File"
wscript.echo " /H : Help (This Screen)"
wscript.echo " /R : Run Script in Read Only Mode (No System Changes)"
wscript.echo " /V : Verbose Logging"
wscript.echo ""
End if

If flgLogFile then Set objLogFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strLogFileName)


'* Enumerate a list of loaded Registry Hives. Delimited by the | character
strHiveExclusionList = "|"
strHiveOpenSkipped = "|"
strKeyPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\hivelist"
objReg.EnumValues HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrValueNames, arrValueTypes
For i=0 To UBound(arrValueNames)
strHiveValue = trim(arrValueNames(i))
strHiveExclusionList = strHiveExclusionList & Right(strHiveValue, len(strHiveValue) - instrrev(strHiveValue, "\")) & "|"

'* Enumerate a list of known profiles from the registry
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"
objReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys

'* Parse through the Profile list and Delete the Registry entries and Files associated to the Profile
'* Provided the profile is not listed in an Exclusion list
WriteLog "Checking Profile List"
WriteLog "---------------------"
If NOT flgAllowExecute then WriteLog "READ ONLY MODE. No changes made."
If flgDateExclusion then WriteLog "Purge Profiles Older than " & dwDateExclusion & " Days."
WriteLog ""

For Each subkey In arrSubKeys
strSubKey = ""
strGuid = ""
strUserName = ""
strProfileImagePath = ""
strSubKey = trim(subkey)
If (instr(SIDExclusionList, "|" & strSubKey & "|") = 0) and (strSubKey <> "") then
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\" & strSubKey
objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,"Guid", strGuid
objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,"ProfileImagePath", strProfileImagePath

strUserName = Right(strProfileImagePath, len(strProfileImagePath) - instrrev(strProfileImagePath, "\"))
WriteLog "Profile"
If flgVerboseLog then WriteLog " SID : " & strSubKey
If flgVerboseLog then WriteLog " GUID : " & strGuid
WriteLog " Profile Path: " & strProfileImagePath
WriteLog " UserName : " & strUserName

dwProfileExclusion = instr(strProfileExclusionList, "|" & trim(lcase(strUserName)) & "|")
dwSIDExclusion = instr(strHiveExclusionList, "|" & strSubKey & "|")

If flgCustomExclusions then
flgCustomExMatch = TestCase(lcase(strUserName), lcase(strCustomExclusions))

If flgCustomExMatch then
strProfileExclusionList = strProfileExclusionList & trim(lcase(strUserName)) & "|"
dwProfileExclusion = 1
End if
End if

If flgCustomInclusions then
flgCustomInMatch = TestCase(lcase(strUserName), lcase(strCustomInclusions))

If flgCustomInMatch = 0 then
strProfileExclusionList = strProfileExclusionList & trim(lcase(strUserName)) & "|"
dwProfileExclusion = 1
End if
End if

If flgDateExclusion then
flgExDateMatch = 0
If objFSO.FileExists(strProfileImagePath & "\NTUSER.DAT") then
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strProfileImagePath & "\NTUSER.DAT")
flgExDateMatch = TestDateExclusion(objFile.DateLastModified, DateCurrentTime, dwDateExclusion)
WriteLog " NTUSER.DAT Does not Exist"
If objFSO.FileExists(strProfileImagePath & "\NTUSER.MAN") then
WriteLog " NTUSER.MAN Found"
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strProfileImagePath & "\NTUSER.MAN")
flgExDateMatch = TestDateExclusion(objFile.DateLastModified, DateCurrentTime, dwDateExclusion)
WriteLog " NTUSER.MAN Does not Exist"
End if
End if
If flgExDateMatch then
strProfileExclusionList = strProfileExclusionList & trim(lcase(strUserName)) & "|"
dwProfileExclusion = 1
End if
End if
If (dwProfileExclusion = 0) and (dwSIDExclusion = 0) then
WriteLog " Profile OK to Delete"
If flgDateExclusion then WriteLog " Profile Matches Age Requirement"
If flgCustomInclusions and flgCustomInMatch then WriteLog " Profile Matches Inclusion List"

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\" & strSubKey
DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\" & strSubKey
DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\State\" & strSubKey
DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\" & strSubKey
DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath

If strGuid <> "" then
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PolicyGuid\" & strGuid
DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileGuid\" & strGuid
DeleteKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath
WriteLog " Guid is Blank, Deleting Registry Keys based of Guid has been skipped."
End if

If objFSO.FolderExists(strProfileImagePath) then
WriteLog " Folder Exists - Deleting"
If flgAllowExecute then objFSO.DeleteFolder(strProfileImagePath), DeleteReadOnly
WriteLog " Folder Does not Exist"
End if
If dwProfileExclusion then
WriteLog " Profile not Deleted --- Username in Profile Exclusion List"
If flgCustomExclusions and flgCustomExMatch then _
WriteLog " Profile not Deleted --- Username Matched Custom Exclusion List"
If flgCustomInclusions and (flgCustomInMatch = 0) then _
WriteLog " Profile not Deleted --- Username Did not Match Custom Inclusion List"
If flgDateExclusion and flgExDateMatch then _
WriteLog " Profile not Deleted --- Profile is not Older than " & dwDateExclusion & " Days"
End if
If dwSIDExclusion then
WriteLog " Profile not Deleted --- User Hive is currently loaded"
strHiveOpenSkipped = strHiveOpenSkipped & trim(lcase(strUserName)) & "|"
End if
End if
End if

'* Get Document and Settings Directory Location from the Registry
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"
objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,"ProfilesDirectory", strDocAndSettingsLocation
WriteLog ""
WriteLog "Documents and Settings Path: " & strDocAndSettingsLocation
WriteLog ""
WriteLog "Checking For Orphaned Profile Directories"
WriteLog "-----------------------------------------"
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDocAndSettingsLocation)
Set colSubfolders = objFolder.Subfolders

'* Parse through the directory a check For orphaned profile folders and Delete
For Each objSubfolder in colSubfolders
strUserName = lcase(Right(objSubfolder.Path, len(objSubfolder.Path) - instrrev(objSubfolder.Path, "\")))
dwProfileExclusion = instr(strProfileExclusionList, "|" & trim(lcase(strUserName)) & "|")
dwHiveOpenExclusion = instr(strHiveOpenSkipped, "|" & trim(lcase(strUserName)) & "|")
If (dwProfileExclusion = 0) and (dwHiveOpenExclusion = 0) then
WriteLog "Deleting Orphaned Profile Directory: " & objSubfolder.Path
If flgAllowExecute then objFSO.DeleteFolder(objSubfolder.Path), DeleteReadOnly
If dwHiveOpenExclusion then
WriteLog "Hive Loaded -- Skippped Delete: " & objSubfolder.Path
End if
If dwProfileExclusion then
WriteLog "Profile Excluded -- Skippped Delete: " & objSubfolder.Path
End if
End if

If flgLogFile then objLogFile.Close
objReg = Nothing
objFSO = Nothing
objArgs = Nothing

'* Deletes All Subkeys and Values within a Given Registry Key
Sub DeleteKey(dwHiveType, strDeleteKeyPath)
Dim dwReturn, arrDeleteSubKeys, strDeleteSubKey
dwReturn = objReg.EnumKey(dwHiveType, strDeleteKeyPath, arrDeleteSubKeys)
If (dwReturn = 0) And IsArray(arrDeleteSubKeys) Then
For Each strDeleteSubKey In arrDeleteSubKeys
DeleteKey dwHiveType, strDeleteKeyPath & "\" & strDeleteSubKey
End if
If flgAllowExecute then objReg.DeleteKey dwHiveType, strDeleteKeyPath
If flgVerboseLog then WriteLog " Deleting: " & strDeleteKeyPath
End Sub

'* Test a List of Wildcard Items Against a Value
Function TestCase(strTestCase, strWildCardTests)
TestCase = 0

dwAllItems = 0
dwSoftLeft = 0
dwSoftRight = 0

arrWildCards = split(strWildCardTests, "|")

For each strWildCard in arrWildCards
If strWildcard = "*" then
dwAllItems = 1
If left(strWildcard, 1) = "*" then
dwSoftLeft = 1
strWildcard = right(strWildcard, len(strWildcard) - 1)
End if
If right(strWildcard, 1) = "*" then
dwSoftRight = 1
strWildcard = left(strWildcard, len(strWildcard) - 1)
End if
End if
If strWildcard = "" then dwAllItems = 1

If dwAllItems then
TestCase = 1
dwLeftOk = 0
dwRightOk = 0
dwOffSet = instr(strTestCase, strWildcard)

If dwOffSet then
If (dwSoftLeft = 0) and (dwOffSet = 1) then dwLeftOk = 1
If dwSoftLeft then dwLeftOk = 1
End if
dwRightOffSet = len(strTestCase) - dwOffset - len(strWildcard) + 1
If dwRightOffSet = 0 then dwRightOk = 1
If dwRightOffset > 0 and dwSoftRight = 1 then dwRightOk = 1
If dwLeftOk and dwRightOk then TestCase = 1
End if
End Function

'* Test Profile Date Against the Current Date. Then Compare Against out Value
Function TestDateExclusion(dateTestCase, dateTestCurrentTime, dwTestNumDays)
TestDateExclusion = 0
dwNumDays = DateDiff("d", dateTestCase, dateTestCurrentTime)
If dwNumDays <= dwTestNumDays then TestDateExclusion = 1
If flgVerboseLog then WriteLog " Profile Age : " & dwNumDays & " Days"
End Function

'* Log Header
Sub WriteHeader
WriteLog "---"
WriteLog "-- Profile Deletion Script Executed: " & dateCurrentTime
WriteLog "---"
WriteLog ""
End Sub

'* Log Footer
Sub WriteFooter
WriteLog ""
WriteLog "---"
WriteLog "-- Profile Deletion Script Completed."
WriteLog "---"
End Sub

'* Write String to Log File
Sub WriteLog(strString)
If flgLogFile then objLogFile.Writeline strString
If flgWriteConsole then wscript.echo strString
End Sub

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Answers (1)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 12 years ago
Red Belt
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileListThe first thing that came to my mind is that there is a new structure to the registry in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

There's also the issue of UAC to take account of.

Lastly, please use the CODE tags when posting code or other lengthy text.
Rating comments in this legacy AppDeploy message board thread won't reorder them,
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