
Patching of sequence application


I have sequenced application and just wanted to patch or add script to perform a particular task. So how i can perform above task and also how to debug the sequenced XML file in case of troubleshooting? Do we have any tool available for debugging of XML files?

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
For patching an application, as in upgrading, open for upgrade in the sequencer, walk through the wiz again, save, et voila! A new version!

For adding scripts:
You can place scripts in the OSD.
This blog will tell you how it works: scripting within an OSD file
Posted by: subodh.rec 14 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks Rheuvel, i saw the patching concept. One more query i have regarding troubleshooting after sequencing. Suppose my application is lauching properly during sequencing and after publishing shortcut is not launching, so for this how i can troubleshoot? Do we have any tool for this type of issue?
Posted by: Rheuvel 14 years ago
Brown Belt
Troubleshooting can be a real pain. There's only a bunch of tools that can assist you in it and make your life a little bit easier.

Most of the time, tracking down a problem is getting the sequence to launch at all, and try messing around inside it. For example, if your app doesn't start:

- Look up the last part of the error code on the internet to find the possible cause. As in: xxxxxx-xxxxxx2C-800736B1 (The xxx part is unique and won't give you anything.) There's some websites with detailed lists out there but I don't have any at hand now. They're really easy to find ;)

If that doesn't solve your problem:

- Modify the OSD to start your sequence with command prompt. This allows you to browse around in your sequence, start up the application manually from there and see if it gives you a more detailed error of the app itself. Or even start ProcMon inside your bubble... :p

One of the tools that used to help me a lot with easily launching other apps in your bubble is this one:
Used to be great, but I haven't seen an update for App-V 4.6 yet....

Another one that sounds promising is Application Virtualization Explorer, although I still haven't looked into this myself.

Application Virtualization Dynamic Suite Composition Tool for linking sequences.

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of one at the moment...
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