
Starting with App-V

Hi All

We our in process of sequencing application using App - V as per our client requirement.We were successful in setting up an Test environment for App-V.
Can anyone advise the process followed in App-V like we follow in packaging like Client request ->development->Unit Testing ->Peer Review->UAT etc etc.

My question are as follow:
1 - What process is followed in App-V
2 - How does the client request for application to sequence
3 - Any best practices to be followed
4 - How is testing done
5 - Also any particular applications which i can sequence in my test lab and give me more knowledge about this new technology.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: obvious 13 years ago
Yellow Belt
This should help..

Posted by: Gary 13 years ago
Blue Belt
I have already gone through those url's when setting up a test lab.i wanted to know how does other people(already working on App-V)follow the process,there experience with APP-V
Posted by: anonymous_9363 13 years ago
Red Belt
1 - What process is followed in App-V
For what?

2 - How does the client request for application to sequence
The users probably ought not to make the call between a sequenced or conventionally packaged app. If the sequenced package delivers what they require, they probably don't care, either.

3 - Any best practices to be followed
MSDN has some good advice, IIRC. Also, the AppV blogs are a good source of information.

4 - How is testing done
No different to conventionally packaged apps.

5 - Also any particular applications which i can sequence in my test lab and give me more knowledge about this new technology.
When piloting App-V, ready for presenting to a previous client's management, a colleague and I would sequence as many of the apps we packaged as we could manage, time permitting. The time caveat was always the killer, of course, but it was a very instructive exercise.
Posted by: mast3rm1nd 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I believe the process should be very similar as with any other automation request:

1. Clients requests app to be automated (does not specify method)
2. Automation Engineer decides what's best for automating the application (app-v, transform, setupcapture)
3. Application is automated and submitted to Internal QA (peer review)
4. Application is then submitted for External QA (client testing - install, uninstall, upgrade, functionality)
5. Client signs off application working correctly.
6. End... lol
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